
2018 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition Report


(1) Date

16-21 September 2018, Tokyo, Japan

(2) Schedule

(3) Venue Tokyo

Tokyo Big Sight Conference Tower, West Hall

(4) Theme

Shaping our water future
Science, Practice and Policy for Sustainability and Resilience

(5) The number of participants

9,815 participants from 98 countries & regions (2,846 Congress delegates)

(6) The number of papers

Oral presentations:352 papers (among those, 113 papers from Japan)
Poster presentations:633 papers (among those, 350 papers from Japan)

(7) The number of exhibitors

252 companies & organizations from 32 countries

(8) Organizers, etc.

a. Organizer:International Water Association
b. Host Country Committee(HCC)

President: Yuriko Koike (Governor of Tokyo)
Chair: Hiroaki Hurumai (Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Vice Chair: Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Bureau of Sewerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Japan Society on Water Environment
Japan Water Works Association
Japan Sewage Works Association
Member: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of the Environment
Japan Water Agency
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Japan Sewage Works Agency
Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering and Technology
Japan Sewage Treatment Plant Constructors Association
Japan Water Research Center
Federation of Japan Water Industries

(9) Situation of participation in the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition

 In addition to the oral and poster presentations in the 2018 Tokyo Congress, Forums, Workshops, etc. were also held. Moreover, 9,815 people participated from 98 countries and regions in the world, which was the largest number of participants in the past IWA World Congresses & Exhibitions.

(10) Congress delegates in the World Congress

 The number of delegates was 2,846 amongst all the participants in the World Congress.  A little more than 40% of delegates were from Japan, and then a great number of delegates attended from Europe and Asia excluding Japan. As with the past World Congresses, there were a large number of delegates from the host country and surrounding in Asia particularly from China, South Korea, and Taiwan.

(11) Program

Program PDF (26,899 KB)

(12) Daily Video

Major events

Events name Details

Sep 16 (Sun)
Opening Ceremony

  • Their Imperial Highness The Crown Prince and Crown Princess, in addition to the Governor of Tokyo, the IWA President Diane D’Arass, and Ministers attended the Congress with their high expectations for its success.
  • His Imperial Highness Crown Prince delivered a speech, “It is necessary to apply wisdom gleaned from history and contemporary advanced technology, and to take action by collaboration with global society.”

Sep 17 (Mon)
Keynote Speech

Other Speech

  • The Governor of Tokyo delivered a keynote speech under the title of “For a Sustainable Urban Water Cycle”.
  • As the head of host city, the Governor transmitted efforts of realizing resilient and sustainable water and sewerage works, which support water cycle in urban city. In addition, the Governor announced to start a new initiative on water smart meter.

Document (PDF)

Sep17 (Mon)
Disaster Countermeasures Forum


  • The forum, organized by the IWA, was held by the proposal from the Host Country Committee (HCC). The forum was divided into the following three sessions, and presentations, panel discussions, etc. were held:
    1. Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the recovery of water and sewerage works.
    2. Enhancing water security
    3. Toward resilient urban cities
  • Aoki, the senior director of purification division of the Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as “Tokyo Waterworks”), presented under the title of “Resilience in Tokyo Waterworks: Towards a Sustainable Waterworks System”.

Document (PDF)

Sep18 (Tue)
Tokyo Garden Night

  • The event was held at Kiyosumi Gardens in Koto-ku, Tokyo.
  • After the welcome remarks by Koike the Governor of Tokyo, followings were implemented: Kagamibiraki (sake barrel- breaking ceremony) :used to sake with Tokyo’s tap water; Karate’s performance; experiencing demonstration of Japanese tea-serving, etc.
  • The Governor of Tokyo herself worn a happi coat (Japanese traditional piece of clothing) with Tokyo logo and had a pleasant talk with participants. Moreover, Tokyo’s culture and charm were spread to overseas participants such as dishes by Tokyo’s ingredients, introducing Furoshiki (square wrapping cloth), and street performance by heaven artists.

Sep 19 (Wed)
Japan Business Forum

  • The Business Forum, organized by HCC, was held under the theme of “Water Management in Megacities”.
  • In the first session, Prof. Takizawa, the University of Tokyo, and Mr. Matsumoto, Deputy Director General, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) delivered speeches.
  • Mr. Tamura, Deputy Director General for Technical Affairs of Tokyo Waterworks, presented under the title of “Managing Waterworks System in Megacity Tokyo”.
  • In the second session, panel discussion was carried out with private companies by a facilitator, Prof. Takizawa.

Document (PDF)

Sep 20 (Thu)
Closing Ceremony

  • The signing ceremony of “The IWA principles for water-wise cities” was held in order to build sustainable urban water systems. Mr. Hasegawa, the Vice Governor of Tokyo, signed the document as a representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and addressed a speech.
  • Afterward, the handing over ceremony was held to hand over the talking stick from Prof. Furumai, the Chair of Tokyo Congress to the Chair of Copenhagen Congress which is the next host city.

Sep 21 (Fri)
Technical Tours


  • The Technical Tours, organized by IWA, were implemented to travel around infrastructure facilities in the host country by bus.
  • Tokyo Waterworks had two out of all five courses in total: One day course for Asaka Purification Plant ~ construction site in Asaka-Kamiigusa Line, and half day course for Training Technical Development Center. A total of 44 people participated in both courses, and we achieved high evaluation as fullness of the contents.

Sep 17 (Mon) - 20 (Thu)

  • There were 252 exhibitors from Japan and abroad, and 91 organizations which were consisted of Japanese companies and associations, joined in the Japan Pavilion.
  • Upon commencing the Japan Pavilion,  ribbon cutting ceremony was held by the executives of HCC subsequently to Koike the Governor of Tokyo.
  • Tokyo Waterworks jointly exhibited as a Tokyo Metropolitan Government Group together with the Bureau of Sewerage Tokyo Metropolitan Government, TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd., Public Utility Services Center Co., Ltd., and Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage Service Corporation.

Sep 16 (Sun) - 20 (Thu)
Tokyowater Drinking Station

  • During the event, we managed Tokyowater Drinking Station (hereinafter referred to as “DS”) in the Tokyo Big Sight, and a total of 7,867 people tasted Tokyo Tap Water for 5 days.
  • Tokyo Waterworks’ staff operated DS, and actively promoted deliciousness of the water while communicating with the Congress delegates from Japan and abroad.

Presentation by Tokyo Waterworks

Oral Presentation

Water Quality , Purification

Leakage Prevention

Risk Management


Environment and Energy Efficiency

Facility Planning


Customer Service

Poster Presentation

Water Quality, Purification

Risk Management



Environment and Energy Efficiency

Water Supply

Water Resource

Facility Planning


Customer Service

Please let us know your opinions and impressions!