
Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program

Tokyo Cap and Trade

Tokyo Cap-and-Trade : Japan's first mandatory emissions trading scheme. Since announcing its Tokyo Climate Change Strategy in June 2007, Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been examining ways to bolster the fight against global warming. Based on a year-long intensive study, the Governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara, submitted a bill to the second regular meeting of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly in June 2008 that introduced mandatory targets for reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions for large-scale emitters as part of an emissions trading program. The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly unanimously passed the bill, thus introducing Japan's first cap-and-trade emissions trading program, to take effect in fiscal 2010. TMG has developed a cap-and-trade program that many advanced nations and regions are also moving to implement since the first introduction of such a scheme by the European Union in 2005. TMG's program is the first one to be implemented in Japan and Asia.
The Tokyo Cap-and Trade Program launched from 1st April 2010.


NEWTMG Certifies 2 “Top-Level Facilities” for Outstanding Global Warming Countermeasure Efforts Under the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program(Press Release March 25. 2024)

NEWResults of Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program in the Third Year of the Third Compliance Period(PDF:912KB)

NEWTMG published "Efforts from FY 2025 in the climate change programs for existing buildings based on the Ordinance on Environmental Preservation to Secure the Health and Safety of Citizens of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area"(Press Release October 13. 2023 ) (PDF:920KB)

Results of Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program in the Second Year of the Third Compliance Period(PDF:742KB)

Results of Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program in the First Year of the Third Compliance Period(PDF:904KB)

Obligation Fulfillment Status of the Second Compliance Period(PDF:566KB)

Results of Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program in the Second Compliance Period(PDF:1,047KB)

The 9th Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (Press Release March 26. 2020)(PDF:983KB)

TMG finalizes the cap for Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program after 2020 (Press Release March 29.2019)(PDF:1,486KB)

The 8th Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (Press Release February 19. 2019)(PDF:491KB)

The 7th Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (Press Release February 21. 2018)(PDF:752KB)

The 6th Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (PDF:404KB)

TMG held the "ICAP Tokyo Symposium 2017" jointly with the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)

The 5th Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (PDF:427KB)

The 4th Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (PDF:293KB)

The 3rd Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (PDF:333KB)

Tokyo receives the winner of C40&Siemens City Climate Leadership Awards2013

The 2nd Year Result of the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program (PDF:215KB)

Tokyo received the Most Groundbreaking Policy Award from the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC),2011(PDF:82KB)

Result of the First Fiscal Year of the Tokyo Cap and Trade Program (PDF:66KB)


Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program(Outline) (PDF:4,012KB)

Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program(Details)(PDF:4,285KB)

TMG Presentation(C40&Siemens City Climate Leadership Awards) (PDF:1,335KB)

TMG held the "ICAP Tokyo Symposium 2017" jointly with the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)

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