
Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy in March 2021. The strategy sets forth our vision for Tokyo in the 2040s, as well as the strategies we will implement up to 2030 to achieve this vision.

Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy Version Up 2024

In January 2024, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government formulated "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy Version Up 2024" to accelerate steps toward a sustainable future by taking on issues that Japan has put off addressing and making the most of Tokyo's potential.

Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy Version Up 2023

In January 2023, we formulated "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy Version Up 2023" in order to proactively respond to global issues where conventional practices is no longer applicable and to the rapidly declining birthrate.

Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy Version Up 2022

This "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy Version Up 2022" formulated in February 2022 further accelerates initiatives to shape Tokyo's future in light of the many changes that have been brought about by the Tokyo 2020 Games and the battle against COVID-19.

Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy (Stance and Structure)

Here is a brief summary of the stance and structure of the "Future Tokyo :Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy".

For more details on the "Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy", please refer to the " Tokyo Sustainability Action ",which provides an overview of the initiatives and concepts for the realization of the SDGs.

Future Tokyo : Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy "Policy dashboard"

The progress of the "Future Tokyo: Tokyo's Long-Term Strategy" formulated in March 2021 and current status of Tokyo are shown.

【Power BI】

Written by Planning and Coordination Section, Planning and Coordination Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning
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