
Post Tokyo 2020 Games City Cast Questionnaire Results


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) conducted a City Cast (city volunteers) questionnaire survey of Post Tokyo 2020 Games regarding their opinions about volunteer activities aiming to effectively use for future projects. This is a report of the results of the survey.

1. Overview


16,151 individuals(*1) who re-registered as volunteers for new activities(*2) after it was decided to not have spectators due to COVID-19.

*1: Number of City Cast who engaged in activities
11,913 of 16,151 re-registered individuals participated in volunteer activities, cumulatively 20,676 activities in total.

*2: Examples of New Activities

  • Welcoming and seeing off of athletes to cheer them at airports
  • Helping visitors around the Olympic and Paralympic cauldron, etc.
  • Asking people to refrain from cheering athletes along the route of the Paralympic marathon
  • Sending supportive messages, and highlighting Tokyo and other areas using online, etc.


From Friday 17 September to Monday 27 September 2021


Respondents completed an online questionnaire survey answer sheet.

4)Valid responses

7,682 (Response rate: 47.6%)

2. Summary of the Questionnaire Results

Please see the appendix(PDF:234KB) for details.

Q. Motivation for continuing volunteer activities after the Tokyo 2020 Games

  • I would like to participate in volunteer activities. (96.4%)
    *A total of individuals indicated that “I would definitely like to do so (37.7%)” and “I would like to do so if I have the opportunity (58.7%).

Q. Categories of volunteer activities that respondents are interested in participating in the future (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Sports (71.2%)
  • Regional Revitalization, Town Development, Tourism (65.5%)
  • Multicultural Coexistence, International Cooperation (60.4%)

Q. Activities volunteers engaged in after participating in City Cast activities (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Participated in a wide range of volunteer or regional activities (58.7%)
  • Helped individuals requiring care when they seemed to have problems (58.6%)

Q. What volunteers would like TMG to do to facilitate participation in volunteer activities (Multiple answers allowed)

  • Provide opportunities for volunteer activities (72.0%)
  • Provide information on volunteer activities. (65.1%)

3. TMG Response Considering Opinions from City Cast

  • After the Tokyo 2020 Games, TMG announced user registration for the Tokyo Volunteer Legacy Network (opened on 2 November 2 2021), a portal site for volunteers, to provide a wide range of volunteer information matching individual interest.
    Tokyo Volunteer Legacy Network (External link)
    (* available in Japanese and currently announcing and accepting user registration.)
  • TMG continues ensuring opportunities for volunteer activities at events related to the Games, and providing more opportunities for City Cast.

*Please click here for the original Japanese article.



For Inquiries
Operations Section, Planning and Promotion Division
Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation
Phone: 03-5320-7992

Please let us know your opinions and impressions!