
Crisis Management Conference 2024 (Jakarta)

The Crisis Management Conference 2024 was hosted in Jakarta from May 29th to 30th, 2024, as part of the Network for Crisis Management. Sixteen cities participated in the conference to exchange knowledge and experience under the theme 'Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Global Cities.'

Conference Overview

■Date: Wednesday, May 29 - Thursday, May 30, 2024

■Location: Langham Jakarta and other locations

■Participating cities: 16 cities, about 160 participants
Network cities: 10 cities
Bangkok, Jakarta (host city), Kuala Lumpur, Manila, New Taipei, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo (secretariat city), Yangon

Observer cities: 6 cities
Berlin, Province of West Java, Province of Bali, Regency of North Minahasa, Tengerang City, Regency of Sigi

■Theme: Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Global Cities



Day 1 (Wednesday, May 29, 2024)

Opening Ceremony:
(1) Opening Remarks: Acting Governor of Jakarta
(2) Keynote Speech: Senior Advisor to the Minister of Home Affairs, Indonesia

Plenary Session:
(1) Jakarta: A Global Livable City (Regional Director for East, Southeast Asia and Oceania, C40 Cities)
(2) Disaster Resilience in the Times of Climate Emergency (Executive Head, Provincial Disaster Management Board, Jakarta)
(3) Strategic Alignment for Resilient City (Deputy Governor of Bangkok)
(4) 5 Key Strategies In Disaster Crisis Risk Management For Sustainable Resilient Future (Deputy for Systems and Strategy, National Agency for Disaster Countermeasures, Indonesia)
(5) Strengthening Disaster Resilience in a Global City: Lessons Learned from West Java (Acting Executive Head, Provincial Disaster Management Board, West Java)

Presentations by Participating Cities:
Sub-Theme 1: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Impact of Floods and Extreme Weather
(1) Flood Control in Tokyo (Tokyo)
(2) Utilizing Smart Technology for Climate Change Adaptation Actions (Taipei)
(3) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Impact of Flood and Extreme Weather (Kuala Lumpur)
(4) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Impact of Flood and Extreme Weather (Jakarta)

Sub-Theme 2: Disaster Preparedness through Sustainable Urban Spatial Planning and Development
(1) Disaster Preparedness through Sustainable Urban Spatial Planning and Development (Jakarta)
(2) Bangkok: Livable City for All (Bangkok)
(3) Disaster Preparedness through Sustainable Urban Spatial Planning and Development (Manila)
(4) Disaster Preparedness through Sustainable Urban Spatial Planning and Development (Yangon)

Sub-Theme 3: Crisis Communication Strategies and Collaboration in Disaster Management
(1) Disaster Response Measures by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government: Crisis Communication Strategy and Cooperation in Crisis Management (Tokyo)
(2) Cooperation with Wards, Cities, Towns and Villages in the Event of Major Disasters (Tokyo)
(3) Korean Disaster Response System (Seoul)
(4) Disaster Easy to Know Information (New Taipei)
(5) Crisis Communication Strategies and Collaboration in Disaster Management (Singapore)
(6) Crisis Communication Strategies and Collaboration in North Minahasa Disaster Management (North Minahasa)

Annual Report from the Secretariat
Announcement of the Next Host City
Address by the Next Host City
Closing Remarks

Day 2 (Thursday, May 30, 2024)

Site Visits:
The Whoosh High-Speed Railway (Halim Station- Padalarang Station)
Mason Pine Hotel (Padalarang, West Java)
Quick Silver (Batavia Marina, Sunda Kelapa Harbor)
Water Rescue Simulation (Bidadari Island)
Mangrove Planting (Bidadari Island)

★Post-Conference Report link_arrow.gif

Written by
Project Section, International Affairs Division,
Office of the Governor for Policy Planning

Phone number:03-5388-2234

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