
Crisis Management Conference 2022 (Delhi)

The Crisis Management Conference 2022 was hosted by Delhi from 8th to 9th of November 2022, as part of the Crisis Management Network. Twelve cities participated in the conference to exchange knowledge and experience on the primary functions of emergency response and management. This was the second online Crisis Management Conference in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The schedule for the conference

■Date:Tuesday, November8 through Wednesday, November 9 2022

■Style: Online conference

■Participating cities:12
Host City: Delhi
Participating Cities: Bangkok , Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, New Taipei, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo (secretariat city), Ulaanbaatar, Brussels (observer city), Maharashtra (observer city)

■Theme: Challenges to Fire and Emergency Service Responses


Day 1 (Tuesday, November 8, 2022)

Opening Ceremony:
Opening Remarks by Director, Delhi Fire Service

Presentations by Participating Cities:
Session 1: Rapid Urbanization: A Challenge To Crisis Management

(1) Leveraging Technology to Transform Singapore Civil Defence Force (Singapore)
(2) New Damage Estimates in the event of disasters such as a major earthquake hitting Tokyo(Tokyo)
(3) Challenges and Countermeasures of the Tokyo Fire Department in Earthquake Disaster (Tokyo)
(4) Disaster Relief Volunteer & Community Preparedness in Taipei City (Taipei)
(5) Urbanization and Fire & Life Safety Challenges (Maharashtra)

Day 2 (Wednesday, November 9, 2022)

Presentations by Participating Cities:
Session 2: Challenges to Fire and Emergency Service Response in War like situations and preparedness to deal with such situations

(1) Challenges of Fire Services during War like situations (Delhi)
(2) Use of Modern Technology for fire and emergency situation in war like situation (Delhi)
(3) Emergence Data Platform for Smart Disaster Prevention (New Taipei)
(4) Addressing psychological issues to improve response in war like scenarios (Delhi)
(5) Imperatives of Fire Safety and Emergency Response in Contemporary War like situations (Delhi)

Annual Report from Secretariat
Announcing Next Host City
Address by Next Host City
Closing Remarks

★Post-Conference Report link_arrow.gif

Written by
Project Section, International Affairs Division,
Office of the Governor for Policy Planning

Phone number:03-5388-2234

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