
TMG Begins Accepting Applications from Candidate Companies for the Subsidy for Attracting GX-related Foreign Companies


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (hereinafter, “TMG”), to accelerate the “Green Transformation” (hereinafter, “GX”) of the city, which aims to decarbonize its society and achieve a “sustainable recovery,” has newly launched the “GX-related Foreign Company Tokyo Market Entry Support Program.” This program aims to nurture the emergence of groundbreaking innovations through collaborations with leading Tokyo organizations and encouraging the growth of GX-related markets by providing intense support to foreign companies possessing advanced GX-related technologies to establish an entity within the Special Zone for Asian Headquarters.
TMG is pleased to announce that the application period for this subsidy program is now open.

1 Program Overview


Foreign domiciled companies possessing advanced technologies in GX-related fields that will establish an entity within the Special Zone for Asian Headquarters during FY2023 (for details of this subsidy program please see the FY2023 Application Guidelines available on the TMG homepage)​

How to apply

By completing and submitting the required application forms in the manner prescribed in the “Application Guidelines” available in TMG homepage
(Application Deadline: Friday, July 14, 2023, 23:59 Japan Standard Time)

2. Schedule (Japan Standard Time)

  • Friday, July 14
    Application Period Close
  • During September
    Selection of companies to be supported (up to 5 companies will be selected after examination by experts)

3. Details of Support

Subsidy Amount

From the fiscal year in which the Company becomes a Selected Company, TMG will provide subsidies for up to four years within the scope of the budget.

1st fiscal year

A maximum of 50 million yen, up to ten tenth of subsidy eligible expenses

2ndfiscal year

A maximum of 34 million yen, up to two third of subsidy eligible expenses

3rd fiscal year

A maximum of 25 million yen, up to one half of subsidy eligible expenses

4th fiscal year

A maximum of 16 million yen, up to one third of subsidy eligible expenses

Support Program

Selected companies will be provided various forms of support including public relations, business establishment advice, business matching, etc. in the current and subsequent fiscal year in which they are   selected.

Reference: Other Key Initiatives for Attracting Overseas Startups

In addition to GX-related companies, TMG is engaged in efforts to attract foreign companies with green fields and advanced technologies.

(1)Green Finance Subsidy Program for Tokyo Market Entry

Support program focused on attracting overseas Fintech and Asset Management companies engaging in the Green Finance business. (Program details in the TMG homepage)

(2)Expense Subsidies for Establishing a Base of Operations within Tokyo

A program launched in 2023 for supporting Industry 4.0 technology (IoT, Big Data, AI, etc.) companies by subsidizing a portion of expenses related to establishing a base within the Special Zone for Asian Headquarters (personnel expense, etc.). Companies which have submitted an investment plan in relation to other subsidy programs provided by TMG are ineligible for this program. (Program details in the TMG homepage)

This project is to promote the "Future Tokyo," Tokyo’s Long-Term Strategy.
Strategy 11: Startup City Tokyo Strategy
Strategy 12: Strategy for Earning Potential in Tokyo and Innovation
Strategy 14: Zero Emission Tokyo Strategy

For Inquiries(Assistance in Japanese only)
Strategic Projects Section, Strategy Promotion Division, Office for Startup and Global Financial City Strategy
※ The above e-mail address has been arranged as an anti-spam measure. Please replace (at) with @.

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