
Tokyo Financial Award, Financial Innovation Category: Participants for the Support Program Have Been Selected!


As one project in the “Global Financial City: Tokyo” Vision 2.0, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been recognizing financial institutions which develop and provide innovative products and services to meet the needs and challenges of Tokyo citizens and business people, as well as those that work to promote ESG investments*1.
*1 ESG (“Environmental, Social, Governance”) investment refers to investment decisions based on an institution’s proactive efforts such as combating global warming, empowering women, selecting outside directors, etc.

TMG has accepted applications for the “Financial Innovation Category”, one of the categories that make up the award, from financial companies that offer proposals which answer financial service needs and issues from May 31st. TMG has accepted applications from 108 companies, from Japan and 25 other countries and regions. TMG is proud to announce that they have selected 15 domestic and foreign companies which have passed the first round of screening and are eligible to enter the support program.

1 Outline of Support Program Participants (in alphabetical order)

Company Name Country Business Overview
Alpha Millennia Technology Pte. Ltd. Singapore Provides a customizable and user-centric full stack digital insurance system using the latest microservices*2 technology.
*2:An architectural and organizational approach to software development where software is composed of small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs
Bee Informatica Sdn. Bhd. Japan Provides a digital lending platform enabling rapid money lending through psychometric*3 tests for micro-businesses which have difficulty receiving corporate loans.
*3:Techniques for analyzing a person's subconscious mind and visualizing it as numerical data and models
BetterData Pte. Ltd. Singapore Provides an AI platform that anonymizes, synthesizes, and analyzes data for regulated industries such as Finance, Insurance and, Healthcare etc.
freee finance lab K.K. Japan Provides a corporate credit card service with a usage limit of up to 50 million JPY without the guarantee of a representative. This card is based on the original credit model utilizing big data from cloud accounting software provided for businesses.
HolyWally Pte. Ltd. Singapore Provides a platform for building personal and corporate digital wallets quickly and inexpensively, integrating many financial services such as payments, crypto assets, investments, and loyalty into a single wallet.
KAERU, inc. Japan Provides a prepaid card service which offers shopping assistance function.
Knabble Inc. US Provides a fully autonomous global market analytics and portfolio monitoring service via web, mobile and API service for retail and institutional clients.
LIFESION, Inc. Japan Provides a new option to sell-off life insurance instead of surrendering to policyholders through the development of a secondary market for life insurance, utilizing medical big data such as cancer statistics information.
MONO Investment, Inc. Japan Provides CRM*4, that specializes in asset management consultation, to financial advisors. To help with asset management concerns, they provide financial information and asset management tools for individual investors, as well as possible introduction to advisor services for those who request it.
*4:Customer relationship management
SLASH FINTECH LIMITED UK Provides solutions that enable payment with crypto assets on e-commerce and online sites.
STANDAGE, Inc. Japan Provides services utilizing AI/Blockchain technologies to address issues in trading e.g. "inefficient negotiation process", "payment concerns" to enable effective, safe, and inexpensive business trading for all firms.
swIDch Ltd. UK Provides a service which generates mobile OTP*5 by just tapping the back of the smartphone utilizing the OTAC*6 technology embedded in the payment card, this can even be used when offline.
*5:Abbreviation for One Time Password
*6:Abbreviation for One-Time Authentication Code
Tribe Digital Ventures Holdings Pty Ltd Australia Provides an STO*7 platform for funding targeting enterprises and investors.
*7:Abbreviation for Security Token Offering, which is a financing method using digital securities
TRUSTDOCK Inc. Japan Provides an online identification eKYC API service, as the only KYC specialized company in Japan, for a variety of businesses as well as both public/private use digital ID application which supports the "My Number Card" (individual number card.)
UNCLE2 FINTECH LIMITED Hong Kong Provides a cloud-based pawn & auction marketplace between luxury asset owners and pawnshops with our AI Pawn Estimator; this provides the latest price comparison, future price projection, loan-to-value (LTV) & appraisal results by uploading photos.

2 Implementation of the Support Program

For the 15 selected companies, TMG plans to implement a support program which will include mentorship programs, business matching opportunities, and support for overseas promotion. Following the final round of selections, TMG will grant awards to 3 companies. The details regarding the award ceremony will be announced at a later date. TMG does not provide guarantees for services proposed by companies participating in the support program.

3 Schedule (planned)

  • Oct. 2022 – Jan. 2023
    Implementation of support program
  • Dec. 2022
    Final selection round
  • Early Feb. 2023
    Award ceremony

Please see the Tokyo Financial Award website for details.

*Please click here for the original Japanese press release

For Inquiries
Strategic Projects Section, Strategy Promotion Division, Office for Startup and Global Financial City Strategy

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