
Applications are open for grants to support the production of movies and dramas to be released internationally

New Project for FY 2022
We provide grants for business operators who conduct location scouting and filming in Tokyo for movies and TV dramas intended for international release.
Applications are open for grants to support the production of movies and dramas to be released internationally.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Convention and Visitors Bureau support the filming of movies and dramas in Tokyo.
In FY 2022, we will start accepting applications for grants from business operators who intend to scout for locations or film movies or TV dramas in Tokyo that are to be released internationally.

1 Outline of the project

Summary of the program

Location scouting and filming in Tokyo of movies and dramas (hereinafter referred to as “movies, etc.”) to be released internationally*1.
*1 “Movies, etc. to be released internationally” to be defined as movies which are to be released in and outside of Japan via outlets including internet streaming services, feature film releases and television programming. (Animated movies, documentary films and short movies are not eligible for grants through this program.)

Eligible projects

Groups whose main purpose is the production of movies, etc., and that have a record of producing movies, etc., and groups which meet the following requirements.

Location scouting

An overseas group which is categorized as either 1 or 2 mentioned below and is planning the production of a movie, etc., to be released internationally.

1.Legally incorporated groups

Overseas groups legally incorporated under the laws and regulations of their home country.

2.Groups which are not incorporated but meet all of the following requirements
  • a.Have set terms, etc., similar to articles of incorporation which explicitly state all of the following requirements b to d.
  • b.The group has established an organization to make its decisions and execute them.
  • c.The group has the ability to manage its own accounting and retains the ability to audit the accounting.
  • d.The group has an office which acts as the central base for its activities.


A group based in Japan for which the requirement 1 or 2 above is applicable and which meet either the requirement (1) or (2) below.

(1)The group is producing a movie, etc., to be released internationally. (Including co-productions*2.)

*2 A “co-production” is defined as a group consisting of entities from two or more countries, one of which is based in Japan, which are sharing funding and/or production activities to produce a movie, etc. to be released internationally.

(2)A group based in Japan which has been consigned, etc., by an overseas group (duly incorporated according to the laws of their home country or categorizes as 2 above) for the production of a movie, etc.

Description of grant

Location scouting

Up to 50% of eligible expenses. Amount Limits: 1 million yen per group
*Less than 3 people within 5 days per one term of location scouting


Up to 50% of eligible expenses. Amount Limits: 5 million yen per group
*Projects which make use of this program to scout locations and also to film may be eligible for assistance for up to two third of eligible expenses.

Grant use periods

Location scouting

Within 1 year of date of approval of grant.


Within 3 years of date of approval of grant.
*In implementing location scouting or filming, take infection prevention measures following the Guidelines for Business Operators to Prevent the Spread of Infection in Tokyo prepared by TMG.
*The project subject to the grant program may have to be postponed or canceled if a declaration of a state of emergency is issued or state of emergency measures are taken by TMG based on the Act on Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response.
*In implementing the project, please take SDGs into consideration (efforts to protect the environment, such as reducing plastic waste and using recyclable materials).

2 Application for the grant

Application Review Schedule

Location scouting

Term Application Deadline (TBC) Document Review (TBC) Notification of Results (TBC)
Term 1 31-May-22 June, 2022 July, 2022
Term 2 29-Jul-22 August, 2022 September, 2022
Term 3 30-Sep-22 October, 2022 November, 2022
Term 4 30-Nov-22 December, 2022 January, 2023
Term 5 31-Jan-23 February, 2023 March, 2023


Term Application Deadline (TBC) Preliminary Review Secondary Review Notification of Results (TBC)
Term 1 31-May-22 Around June, 2022 Around July, 2022 Around August, 2022
Term 2 29-Jul-22 Around August, 2022 Around September, 2022 Around October, 2022
Term 3 30-Sep-22 Around October, 2022 Around November, 2022 Around December, 2022
Term 4 30-Nov-22 Around December, 2022 Around January, 2022 Around February, 2023


How to apply

Applications should be sent by either “Simple Registered Mail” or “International Express Mail Service” following the application guidelines. (In-person submissions will not be accepted.)
In addition, submit the application data via email.
Email to: fund-tfc(at)
* We have changed the writing of our email address as a countermeasure against spam email. Please replace (at) with @ when sending your email.

The application guidelines and format can be downloaded from the website of the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau.



Image of QR code 1


Image of QR code 2

*Please click here to see mass media releases in multiple languages. (日本語中文한국어)

This project is part of the Future Tokyo: Tokyo’s Long-Term Strategy.
Strategy 15: Culture/Entertainment City Strategy “Attractive Tourism Contents Creation Project”



For Inquiries (in Japanese only)
(Concerning the project in general)
Promotion Section, Tourism Division, Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs
Phone: 03-5320-4786

(Concerning how to apply, etc.)
Tokyo Location Box
Regional Promotion Division, Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau
Phone: 03-5579-8464

Please let us know your opinions and impressions!